Our Footprint
2 mins read

Our Footprint

Testing, testing... is this thing on?

You know, here at the MOM HQ (which is actually digitally bi-coastal) we’re constantly working to make Mother of Macros even *better* than it was yesterday. It’s a constant work in progress. 

Remember when we switched to this new website? There were a lot of reasons behind that change, but one of them is that this platform really allows us to understand our customers, and potential customers even better than we could have ever imagined. One way? It lets us know what you, the customers, are searching for when you visit our website! 

One search term that has shown up time and time again is “biodegradable”, or some form of that word (y’all get creative with your searches, and I for one, appreciate them!)

So yeah, let me tell you a little bit about how we here, at MOM are trying to help the earth a little bit more, and reduce our (and your) carbon footprint! 

When we first started this business, we were using the standard black containers with clear covers. They packaged well, transported well and they were easy to find. However, we knew there had to be something better out there. 

Zac, our logistics manager and co-owner really, and tirelessly, worked to find other options. His research found that, while minimal, the black containers that we, and many competitors were (and still are) using, could leech chemicals into your meals upon heating. On top of that, the production process to make them, wasn’t very earth friendly. 

Enter our new containers! These little lovelies are made with 95% recycled fibers, are completely recycle-able, and are oven safe to 495*F. Sure, the fact that they’re made of recycled fibers is huge, but the fact that you can recycle them is even bigger! AND, because it’s never really enough, the fact that you don’t have to run the dishwasher, or sink, when you’re done with your meal, means that you’re not wasting water and resources, and they’re not ending up in a landfill. 

No, they’re not biodegradable, even though we agree, that would be super cool, but they are as close as we can get (for now, who knows what science will do?) 

Oh, and about those chemicals, there are quite literally NONE that will leech into your meals with these chemicals, meaning you, and your family, are only getting the best, healthiest, most natural meals we can provide to you! 

Want to know more about any of the aspects of our company, what we’re working on, the team behind the scenes, etc? Let us know what you’d like to see more of on our blog, and we’ll get right to it! 

Lots of love! 

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